Professional, Secure, U.K based Web Hosting
If you've invested in a professional and productive Website and Brand, you'll want to ensure next that your Website doesn't see much, or any downtime, and that it meets all the standards required by Google et al for the best chance of higher Search Engine Rank Positions (SERPs).
Web Hosting is, in basic terms, the connecting of computer hard drives to the Internet. Of course, there’s more to it, but without Web Hosting, your Website will not be seen by the big wide, digital World. At Hogtronix, we manage our own leased Web Servers that are U.K based with the fastest and best possible connection to the www. By being located in the U.K, we’ve already overcome the first hurdle for SEO by identifying to Google where you’re based and presumably, where you’re first looking to target.
As part of our Web Design services, we offer Hosting on our Servers. We don’t share our Servers with any 3rd parties, unlike some of the bigger names that advertise on TV, so all other sites sharing the same Server resources will be managed also by us. This is important, because if another Website that you share a Web Server with abuses their position by spamming or having (even unintentionally) viruses or malware on their Website, it can affect the other sharing sites if a penalty is given by the Search Engines.
Our Hosting includes a dedicated Firewall to help filter any nasty attacks, plus we back-up all Websites to an off-site facility on a regular basis. By managing your Web Hosting on our Web Servers, it also allows us to address any issues that may arise with your Website operation, more quickly and easily. We can also very easily adjust any file size limits, create extra email addresses or tighten security as or when required, on your behalf.